The illustrations depict driving on the right but the comments are equally
applicable to countries where driving is on the left.
Turning left from major to minor road
standard situation
In relation to:
Other vehicles
Advantage / Use:
by oncoming drivers, making it easier for them to decide whether to wait or turn.
Advantage / Use for:
Waiting drivers
Changing lanes, especially in dense traffic
standard situation
In relation to:
Other vehicles
Advantage / Use:
by a driver who wishes to change lanes in front of the FBL vehicle.
Advantage / Use for:
Driver wishing to change lanes
Approaching a bottleneck
standard situation
In relation to:
Other vehicles
Advantage / Use:
by oncoming drivers making it easier for them to decide whether or not to enter the bottleneck.
Advantage / Use for:
Drivers with/without right of way
Heavy or emergency braking on the approach to a hazard
standard situation
In relation to:
Other vehicles
Advantage / Use:
Advantage / Use:
by the driver of the leading vehicle who can decide if a rear-end shunt is likely and what evasive action, if any, can or should be taken. Especially relevant on motorways or other highspeed roads where quick decisions to either brake heavily or veer sideways onto the verge or hard shoulder are required to ensure survival
Advantage / Use for:
Driver at the head of the line of traffic
Front brake light
A product that saves lives
The Front Brake Light should be recognised as an additional, cost-effective and easily implementable measure to reduce traffic collisions, not least in terms of reducing the actual risk to pedestrians.